Self Development

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Questions that You Should Ask Yourself before Deciding to Change Yourself

Improving yourself is a life long process, which requires patience, perseverance and commitment. There is no short cut to it. However, following is the list of questions which will help you in focusing on self-improvement and by providing you the opportunity to taste its fruit:

1. What do I Really Want?
The question is simple but an important one. Answer it carefully. There are so many things that you want to get but you can't get them all. You have to make a choice which one is more important and which one is less important. Select only one among the possible many answers, one which is not in conflict with your values and your priorities in life.

2. Should I Really Need to Change?
High level of motivation is required to change an old and well engraved habit/behaviour. Without enough motivation, it is a hard task to bring a change into the life, permanently. If you can answer the above question with a sound reason, then you are very close to change yourself.

3. Am I Comfortable With What I'm Doing?
This is also an important question. If you are not comfortable with your new identity, how can you adopt it permanently. It does not mean that you can’t make changes in your life, which are in conflict with your immediate environment. You can, but beware a relatively high level of motivation is required in such instances.

At the end of the post I want to emphasize, self-improvement is not just a philosophical change you have to undergo, but it should be something that you really want.


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