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6 Tips on How to Set Up New Year’s Resolution

As the current year comes to an end and new one is about to begin, people are busy in making a new year’s resolution. In fact, new year provides an ideal opportunity to make a commitment to reinvent our new life.

It is a common mistake that on the eve of new year, excitement is so high that we set up ourselves for failure at the beginning by committing to make huge changes in our lives which will be quite hard to keep. Don’t fall to this trap. Instead follow the following 6 tips for making a successful new year’s resolution which you can keep for good:
  1. Eliminate Negative Beliefs: First get rid off any negative thoughts and beliefs associated with new year’s resolutions. This can be easily done by deciding to create goals instead of resolution. Also make sure that goals you create for yourself should be specific, achievable and time bound.
  2. Start Early: Don’t leave setting up goals for new year on 31 December, instead start the process now. This will leave enough time to set up better goals without any time pressure.
  3. Evaluate Your Last Year Performance: This is very important step in setting right goals. Sit down, relax and think about your last year. How would you rate your performance in the last year? What were your positive/negative points? Note them in a notebook/notepad, whichever is convenient to you. Think again, what you can do, now, to eliminate your negative points and to increase your positive points?  Write down whatever comes to your mind and note them.
  4. Identify Your Heart’s Desire: Have a look at whatever you have noted down. Rephrase them in a form of goal and prioritize into a list by putting the one which you want to achieve anyhow, first. Remember, your goal should also match your heart’s desire otherwise you will not be able to achieve it due to lack of motivation and interest. The rule is simple, if your goal is not your heart’s desire leave it and go for item no. 2 on your list, instead.
  5. Keep it simple. Do not go for more than 3 goals at one time. You will become overwhelmed, keep it manageable. Even, I would suggest one a time, this will ensure success.
  6. Go for it: Once you have selected your goals, now is the time for action. Go for it 100%. Don’t let procrastination prevent you from achieving your goals.
If you are not ready to set up your own new year’s resolution, a hard way, then you might find my other post List of New Year Popular Resolutions helpful in selecting your new year’s resolution from list of other people’s popular resolutions.


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