Self Development

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5 Essential Steps to Better Goal Setting

Clarity, competence and concentration are the three keys to living without limits. Better goal setting will help you to get these three keys in action. It is true, proper goal setting is an art but there are guidelines which if followed, in spirit, will ensure creation of a goal worthy to be followed:

1. Goal Should be in Positive Terms.
Don’t fall trap into setting your goal into negative terms, like, I don’t want to eat junk food. Instead state your goal in positive terms, like, I want to eat vegetarian diet. Feel the difference between the two? This simple tip, alone, will improve your chances to get the goal.

2. Goal Must be Clear and Specific.
Always write your goal in specific terms. Avoid vagueness and generality. Clarity is another important aspect of setting goal exercise. More clearer the goal is set, greater are the chances of achieving it.

3. Write Down the Context of the Goal.
Note down when and where will you achieve your goal. For some goals, answer should be obvious but it is not always the case. Always try to be specific.

4. Plan Your Goal.
No one can underestimate the importance of planning, but in case of goal setting, it is vital. State clearly what are the resources needed to achieve the goal? List all you need to achieve your goal, in terms of time, money and energy.
There is always a price to pay, for everything. There is always some kind of sacrifice needed to make when you are setting a goal. Weigh your chances and decide clearly.

5. Review the Goal.
This is the last step of goal writing. Review your goals to ensure that your goal is in harmony with your belief system and values. Avoid goal which affects your home/work life balance. This review will provide you a chance to know that your whole life is in balance or not. Always check whether your goal is worth it?
Exactly, why do I want to achieve this goal? How important is it to me? Answer of these questions, let you know whether you should follow this goal or not.

When you set your goal in the light of above recommendations, you will be having a bright chance to achieve your goal. Firstly, there will be no resistance in your mind as your goals are in harmony with your vision, values and belief system. Absence of this harmony is the major reason for the failed attempts to get the goal. Secondly, it will boost your motivation level that will push you till you get your goal.


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