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How to Devise a Fool-Proof Habit Change Program

If we analyze our daily activities, majority of them are habits, whether it is waking up from the sleep, flossing our teeth or doing exercise. In this post I will particularly focus on how to effectively change a habit. My advice is based on guidelines provided by the latest research in the field of psychology.

1. Take One Habit at a Time. This is very important tip. Always work on one habit and don’t ever focus on changing multiple habits at a time. If you do, you are overwhelming yourself and you will be running a serious risk of failing to change any habit at all.

2. Make a Plan and Note it Down. This is often the most overlooked advice on changing a habit effectively. Always make a plan and note it down. Write a start date and an end date (21 days time period is recommended). Think, what could be possible hurdles and how you will overcome them and note it down. Also include a a reward system in your plan. Finally, review your plan and make sure that it is realistic.

3. Repeat! This is quite obvious and is the main reason of many failed attempts to change a new habit. Remember habits are our actions that are repeated over and over again until they become automatic. It mean all you have to do is to repeat an action sufficient number of times so that it is ingrained and then your new habit will be on autopilot.

So, these are the three advices for effectively changing a habit. I hope you will find it helpful when working on changing a habit.


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