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Qualities Essential to Habit Change Companion

In my previous post, "How to Change a Bad Habit – An Easy Way", I have written about the importance of a companion (a friend or a relative, with which you are comfortable) for a habit change. The question which I will tackle in today’s post is who would be the right companion in your habit change drive? Unfortunately, not just anyone is a good fit.

Keep it in mind that the main duty of habit change companion is to make you accountable. Let me give you a fair warning: friends and relatives are not always the best accountability companions.
Here are some of the tips, which will help you to find a best habit change companion:
  1. Companion is Ahead of You. In an ideal accountability companionship, one person should be a little bit better than  the other. It is true that both of you are helping each other, one person is usually better than the other and acts as a mentor. Otherwise, it will be like blind following a blind.
  2. He has Similar Goals to You. Until and unless you both have similar goals your partnership will not last longer. It is not necessary that both of you should be working on the similar projects but at least there should be an overlap of big goals. 
  3. Companion is Focused. If you two are having a meeting each day, but never seem to get anywhere due to lack of focus in the meeting, first look at yourself. Are you dragging things off course on a regular basis? If not, then find a more focused companion. 
  4. He is Supportive. An important characteristic of your partner is that he should held you accountable. A better companion will held your best interest in to his heart and knows when you need a little lift instead of a scolding. 
  5. Companion Show Commitment. This point is obvious because no partnership is successful without commitment.


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