Self Development

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Why Habit of Reflection Must be included in Your New Year’s Resolution

New year’s eve provides an excellent opportunity to reflect our past year. I am also busy in reflection right now, to learn from what I have done and to develop a new year’s resolution. I am sure you too will be busy in making your resolution for 2019.

If you have not yet finalized your new year’s resolution, then check whether you have included reflection in your list. If you have not, then reconsider your list. If you are not convinced then read rest of the post, which will enumerate the benefits of reflection. Here are some of them:
  1. Habit of reflection, crystallizes your thoughts and imparts meaning to your life. It also helps you to learn from your mistakes otherwise we are prone to repeat them, again and again.
  2. If your work involves creativity, then you will benefit most from the habit of reflection.
  3. Reflection also gives us happiness. Reflecting on what we did right, allows us to celebrate every small success. Without reflection, it’s easily forgotten and we tend to focus more on our failures.


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