Self Development

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Preparation for New Year’s Resolution

Today is December 4, 2018. After 27 days from now, everyone will be busy in making new year’s resolution or list of goals they want to pursue in 2019.

Unfortunately, we don’t clear our plate to make room for the new stuff. December is a great time for clearing out our current year’s obligation so that we can start our new year, fresh, like a blank page.

Here are things, I do to clear out my life:
  • I review my performance against the goals, I have set. I think about what mistakes I made and what are my accomplishments? This helps me in selecting my next year’s goals.
  • I try my best to complete my old projects and end my commitments.
  • Clear my email inbox and other inboxes. If it is possible I act or answer them, else I just move them to some day / may be folder, or delete or archive them. Result is always an empty inbox.
  • Clearing my computer files take relatively more time. Usually I delete files, I don’t need. Rest of the files, I move into one folder.
  • Finances is also an important aspect of life. I’ll review my checking and savings account, debts, investments etc. and make sure all is clear and in order.
This might take some time but until I do them, I can’t concentrate on my new year’s resolution.


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